Q: Is direct contact with a loader necessary to place my order?
A: No. You can simply make your payment and place the order on the website and our loading team will be notified automatically.

Q: How do I know when a loader will log into my account?
A: An email or text notification is sent out automatically once a member of our staff claims your order to load.

Q: How do I know once my order is completed?
A: Similar to the initial claim message, a message will be sent letting you know that your order is now complete.

Q: How do I know if packs are currently available or not?
A: We will use a variety of methods to disseminate information. Next, will update this in line chat for you to view there. Finally, if you open the website prior to preparing your order, then you will see a closed message in the event we have to close for any reason at all. (Hopefully this is a rare occasion)

Q: I get an error when I try to upload images from my iphone to the website. What do I do to fix this?
A: Go into settings on the iphone for your respective browser (Safari,Chrome,etc.) and allow access to photos.

Q: What if I accidentally send my paypal payment as goods and services?
A: It will be refunded to you, and you can then place your order correctly.

Q: Goods and services is the only option I have available in my country. What do I do?
A: If this is the case for you, then you need to use CryptoCurrency (Best apps are Binance, Coinbase, Trust, etc.).

Q: What happens if a pack is no longer available?
A: We will gladly refund your order, or hold as a credit until the next order. The choice is entirely yours.

Q: What happens if any pack loaded via NextGenSite gets refunded in your game account?
A: Contact our support team immediately and we will fix it for you asap with 100% guarantee. (Hopefully this is a very rare ocassion)